Thursday, August 23, 2007

And the Winner is....

Aunt George!
And the winning name for my lovely red dress form.... took alot of thought.....but here it is...
Lucille Francine La Bella
Lucy for short...why not just call her Lucy? well..I like the other
Bonne suggested Lucy...
Grandma suggested Francine
and Smoothiejuice suggested Rosina La Bella....I love Rosina(love love it)...but I only used La Bella....
so Lucille Francine La Bella(Lucy for short) are now named 6 months after I opened your box that wonderful day in April.....hehehe

~The Bella Modiste~


Anonymous said...

I hope you say everytime you walk
into your room ` I love Lucy
She was a character
Try not to poke her too much

Love You Sweetpea

Bella Modiste said...

Yes...Lucy was quite the character...her and Ethel getting into all kinds of messes together...she caused most of it too....haha
Love ya Grandma!