Tuesday, November 6, 2007


(WOW! Look at the dewflap on him! (not my photo, did a random search for "brown anole" if I used a copyrighted photo, please don't be mad, its a compliment, and if you like, I will change it)

So a few days ago, while moving some plants around with mom, I happened to be digging around in some pots, and I found two small eggs, hummingbird size(or smaller, I've never really seen a hummingbird egg, but..whatever) one was about 1/2in, the other about 3/8in. So tonight i was checking up on the eggs as usual, and I happened to take the top off, to add a bit of moisture, because they have to be kept humid(I did about ten minutes of research and found out some things about what I figured they were). then, before I put the thin fabric back over the top, I decided to remove the label of the jar I was keeping them in, and all of a sudden...*plop*....into the sink jumps a tiny barely 3in long freshly hatched brown lizard, I'm fairly certain her/she is a brown Cuban anole, being as, s/he is brown(duh), I saw several pregnant looking brown Cuban anoles out about a week- week and a half before...and well..it doesn't look as *sleek* as the green anoles.....So now I am eagerly awaiting the hatching of the second egg, provided it does hatch, and next week I will have to start feeding. The info I found says they go a week on their yolk, so I'm good there...lets hope my parents don't mind the sound of crickets....hahaha....

here is some information about them...

Brown Anole (exotic)
Anolis sagrei sagrei
Description: maximum length to 8.5 inches; gray, black, brown to very dark brown and sometimes speckled coloration which may vary in hue; males turn almost black during territorial displays; females have diamond-shaped patterns down back (second photo at left); males may display patterns, but never diamond shapes; dewlaps are red to red-orange with a yellow border (photo left top); mature males will also have crest-like ridge along back;
Food: mostly insects but occasionally Green Anole hatchlings when they come to the ground
Habitat: ground dweller but will venture up several feet into trees and shrubs; prefers drier areas
Range: most of peninsular Florida and the Keys; not cold tolerant
Lifespan: around 3 years
Breeding: mates late spring to early summer; 2 eggs per clutch and several clutches each summer; eggs laid under decaying vegetation on ground; 60-90 days to hatch; an exotic that has probably spread when eggs distributed in tropical landscape plants originating in nurseries around Miami and the Keys


knitting bean said...

You know, I had forgotten all about those little lizards! When we lived in Florida they were everywhere! I loved the little green ones - they were so cute! I didn't like it when they got into our house though. They gave me the heepy jeepies then!

BClark said...

Ah yes, the dreaded brown lizard. These are fairly recent arrivals in FL and have pretty much driven out the gentler green cameleons of my childhood. The green guys used to be everywhere and you could keep them for pets, until your Mom got tired of them and let them loose,lol. These brown guys are pretty agressive and I guess kill the other ones. Time marches one,

Bella Modiste said...

Barabara, yes, I agree, I have noticed more and more brown lizards this year...rather sad actually...Also have noticed lots of geckos, imported geckos that is...
~The Bella Modiste~

Natasha Burns said...

Wow what a fun find! I've never heard of those lizards seeing that I'm in Australia. What a thing to see!

Bella Modiste said...

They are awesome! Pretty common, but facinating never-the-less.
~The Bella Modiste