Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today sure was hectic....

Wow, so today was very hectic!!! busiest I've been in a day, in a while....
up at 11, dressed by 12, out the door by 1, back by 10 til 2, out the door again at 2, back by 4:30, ate dinner, weeded vinyl for dad, out the door by 6:15-20, got to our destination about 20 minutes early, left there at 8, went to the store, got cake for little sister, then ran and got her a present, then home by 8:45ish....yeesh....

So today, I had another sewing lesson, today though was more of a field trip to go see my sewing teacher's sewing setup, I thought I had alot of fabric and patterns...:P
No wonder she laughed when I showed her all of my fabric scraps...ha ha
I just turned in my last written test to her..so I have my fingers crossed I did OK...then the next lesson we get to do the actual sewing...and then the lesson after that, until we've finished the whole lesson plan that she came up with. However, when these lessons are all finished, I am going to miss them...its been fun thus far, and I expect it to continue being fun....

now for pictures.....

OK...little sisters birthday present from me, she also got a bit of hemmed flannel w/ frogs that she loved, and would always try to cover up with, so she finally got her frog blanket she had wanted for a while....but..no picture of that

aaah....not the best quallity...but....it'll work..it is the cutest cotton print, in the picture it looks shimmery, but all it is, is a blue with different blues blended in bands(there is a name for that....but what..I'm not sure right now)
it turned out super cute, and she adores it....

Also, i should have a few more things up in my shop fairly soon, it just takes time, i have a few more aprons, also a few little purses, and a cute little girls outfit....

anyways...not that much new with me, I'll see about updating more often, so what readers i may have, don't get..*gasp*....bored...of course..its not like I lead a very exciting life eh?:P

Oh, also, just added a list of other blogs, will add more to the list as I think of it, also as I find and visit other blogs, I'll add them to my list....




AmericanGirl said...

That dress looks beautiful. You sound crazy busy! :)

Bella Modiste said...

Thank you Ruth, yes, yesterday was busy, but the busiest I've been in a long while.
~The Bella Modiste~